Grafitti Party

Our Kitchen Renovation HAS to happen now because we had a Grafitti Party to say “Good Riddance!” to our old snug kitchen. I share a few photos here. I am now busy arguing with myself over countertop materials, cabinetry, types of stovetops, and various and sundry other items like, “Should I donate those talavera canisters that I wasn’t using anyway?” Yes, the answer is yes. Definitely yes.

I sit at my desk to do some editing, or type an email, or write this post, and next thing I know I’m down the Pinterest rabbit hole. Yes, it’s procrastination from my own writing, but I’m also loving the process. I’ve had a shitty kitchen for 20 years. I’ve had dinky apartments with better kitchens than this one.

Take a look at it now! I kind of love all the creativity that happened with my friends’ writing and drawing on the cabinets. We covered the floor, walls, cabinets, ceiling, doors, you name its. Every time I turn around now I notice something new. It’s quite fun. Not so fun that I would want a kitchen like this forever, but a fun way to say goodbye to a kitchen that has given me many a pie, and other meals, and which has hosted many a creative friend and so many Savory Salons came from this place.

Next week, the construction guys come and demo starts! I like to think Demo has already started, and I got to throw the first sledgehammer blow.


And, if you haven’t had enough of this insanity, Hazel will take you on a video tour….

Subscribe to the blog for more on this months-long remodel and watch how crazy I become!