Discombobulated is one of my favorite words.

Discombobulated is not my favorite state of mind. But that’s where I am. The kitchen remodel, or rather demolish, has begun. The construction guys don’t show up until Tuesday, but we spent all weekend moving everything out of the current kitchen and into our little rental cottage where we will be living for the next many months.

You got the graffiti pics last week, so this week it’s just the inside of my brain, or I mean kitchen. We are not going to be able to afford a new refrigerator for the new kitchen, so we dismantled it and I scrubbed every screw, bin, shelf, nook, and skinny cranny to get rid of all old kitchen cooties so that none of the detritus enters the new kitchen. The appliances went off to a storage unit.

Discombobulation be damned, I’m going to promise myself I write at least two hours tomorrow. Really, I will. I swear.

The kitchen is now just an empty shell of itself. Like my brain, it has been scraped of all its matter.

You can click on the title of this blog post and leave a comment. Send me some cheering on, love, or advice through this crazy time. And feel free to subscribe to my newsletter and I’ll keep you updated on this giant pie project that could be considered a dream kitchen because my old kitchen was a nightmare.