Day 19: NaNoPIEMo 30 Pies in 30 Days

I’m a little late this morning because I was on a cooking show Blaze Baking with Rach. I’ll post the video when it’s available. We talked about everything writing and pies with Rachel Levy Lesser and Jenna Blum, both wonderful authors and friends. Check out their books.

Today’s pie is not what I said it was going to be the other day. Today’s pie is GERMAN CHOCOLATE PIE in a cream cheese crust. I made it for the 2-Pie Holiday Pie Adventure yesterday, which turned out to be a 4-pie adventure, but that’s another story. The chocolate pie was so scrumptious that I HAVE to make it again and share it with you all. It will be a great pie to freeze and serve at Thanksgiving, or eat it all up tonight.

Let’s start the bidding at $95.