Mom! Can’t you just stop for one minute to play tug and through the ball. I’m so much cuter than pie!
Only THREE pies this year. I’ve learned a lot in the 5 years I’ve been “peddling pies” (as my friend Tudy says). I’ve learned I take on a challenge and I follow through. I have also learned that I don’t need to do everything. So, I’m not only doing a shorter version of pie peddling this year, but I’m calling it quits before I’ve even finished this one. So today’s pie, and tomorrow’s pies are it. And, mostly because I’ve already bought the ingredients. I have a new kitchen renovation that has taken over my life, a writing project I’ve been ignoring, the kids’ book I need to edit, and so many other things like family and my dog that I’d like to pay attention to. Love to all the pie eaters out there, but there will always be more pie, is my motto, and I’ll stick by that. Just not right now.
So, place your bids in the comments below, for today’s carne asada pie in a cornmeal crust, and the bidding will close when the pie comes out of the oven. Probably around 3-5pm.
i’m a little sad about not making my life just pie, but I also want it to just be writing, and just kitchen, and….