Day 8: NaNoPIEMo 30 Pies in 30 Days I Remember Now

I remember from last year that things start to hit a rhythm. Not all at once, but gradually. Today things settled down a bit. I got into a flow. Sort of. It started off frantic, but then the pie for the day turned out to be simpler than I expected. Then I felt exhausted and had to lie down. For about 10 minutes. Then back at it. There are still the rest of the things in my life to deal with besides pie—a deadline to be met, emails to answer, dog to walk—the world does not turn on pie. I sure wish it did. Oh, and there’s that election thing happening. I settled down long enough to sit and give a good meditation to my ballot.

Today, Day 8’s pie is going to be a comfort food pie. Rainy day, creepy election, inflation, it all seems like the only answer is CHICKEN POT PIE! Bidding starts at $95. It’s going to be that awesome. Trust me, this is my original specialty. Did I mention all-butter crust? Yes, this is a repeat, but who doesn’t love CPP?

Please post your bid in the comments. And, remember—the kids get all of it. Thank you!!