Day 17: NaNoPIEMo 30 Pies in 30 Days - Gifts

Today’s pie is a gluten-free key lime pie. Arthur Salm, one of the pie winners gave me a bag of limes from his tree, and it’s citrus season and pie season so it seems I should make a a pie with these limes. We are having a Santa Ana condition which means its hot, and a nice cool pie sounds refreshing. I found a great recipe for graham cracker crust made with oats instead of graham crackers (yes, I’ll make sure the oats are GF). Instead of Key Limes from Florida, when I receive California limes I like to call it a Cal Lime Pie. Not so clever, but clever enough. Let’s start the bidding at $85. Put your bids down in the comments. I’ll let you know when the pie comes out of the fridge. It needs about 4 hours or so.

I love it when my neighbors and friends drop off fruit and little gifts for pie. I love surprises and when I see a bag on my porch or hanging from my door knob, I know that there will be some pie thinking on my part to see what I can do with the gift.

Yesterday’s pie ended up being a gift I presented to Nicole Lebeouf the Director of NOAA’s National Ocean Service. I took the pie to Ocean Discovery Institute where they wanted to share a special moment with Nicole. She had previously come to visit ODI as a program that has received the President’s Award for Excellence in Science, Math and Engineering mentoring. When Nicole visited before she talked about how ODI makes lemonade out of lemons, but, she said, Did they have a lemon chiffon pie moment? So this year, they wanted to present all their lemon chiffon pie moments along with a lemon chiffon pie. I was honored they picked my pie to present to Nicole Lebeouf.

I took a quickie YouTube decorating class and tried to make it look like an underwater garden. Not quite baking show level, but lots of good karma in this pie.