When the Homeowner's Away

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This week I went to visit my brother and sister-in-law in Connecticut, but the demolition continued. Eber sent me photos. The dining room walls are now on the outside of the house. It feels weird, like I realized I’m wearing my blouse inside out while I’m in a public place and can’t do anything about it. If you’ve ever been to one of my Savory Salons or workshops and sat in my living room and shared pie in that striped room, well, now you can see the seams are on the outside. Soon they will be gone too. Will that feel like I’m sitting on stage in my bra? If you’ve never been to my house, well, those striped walls were my handpainted attempt at covering up very old, and very ugly texturing and wallpapering by many previous owners.That wall eventually will be an opening into the kitchen from the new dining room. Those French doors at the top are my attic office doors to nowhere. Someday, maybe I’ll have a deck off that room. Someday….

In case you were wondering, this is a major renovation. This is week 3, but soon I’ll be saying month 3. Month 9. Week 27. They haven’t even opened up the kitchen walls yet. Will that be Week 4, Month 1?