Day 9: NaNoPIEMo 30 Pies in 30 Days Making Goals!

We hit $200 for yesterday’s Chicken Pot Pie. We are now at $2906 in donations! Last year we raised $4000. I have been shy to say it for fear I will jinx it, but I’d like to double that this year. I love goals and that is now my goal $8000 by Nov 30. Think we can do it? We are only at the beginning of the 2nd week and are already over half way there. Anything could happen! You guys have been so supportive that I kind of want to cry, and not just because of the onions or because I want to take a sledge hammer to my eentsy 1930s Lucille Ball kitchen.

But you aren’t here to read about my woes or wishes. You are here to find out what today’s pie is and the amount of the last bid.

COTTAGE PIE—Vegetarian and gluten-free. No bees, children, or plastic products were harmed in the making of this pie. I’ve had a shout out from many GF and veg friends that they feel discriminated against in this pie challenge. So, I’m making a savory pie full of vegetables, in an Impossible meat sauce made in vegetable broth. No pastry, but there is a mashed potato topping with sour cream and garlic.

I have to give a talk way the help up at the San Marcos Library today, so I’m starting and finishing this pie early too! So don’t dilly dally.

Bidding starts at $100. Just seems I gotta get it going.