Day 22: NaNoPIEMo 30 Pies in 30 Days - Tipsy Days ahead

I’ve been thinking about the next challenge I want to give myself. I haven’t come to any conclusions yet, but I need something to look forward to as I am struggling to get through the last few days of this monthlong challenge. I think it will be related to writing, or maybe to my health, or maybe to my relaxation. We’ll see. I won’t start it until Jan 1, so I still have some time.

Today’s pie is Brandy Pecan! Who doesn’t want to booze it up this long holiday weekend. I definitely do. And will. I have a massage scheduled for 2pm, so I bet it’s done before then.

Let’s start the bidding for this drunken baby at $95. I’m feeling loose and lucky. Put your bids in the comments below, please and thank you.

And, for the record, it’s very important that the winner pronounce “pecan” correctly. It’s puh-cahn. Because a pee-can is what you put under your bed for use in the middle of the night.

Below is the jumble berry pie won yesterday by my writing retreat buddy, LaTresa Pearson.